The draw for the EM 29 Semifinals will take place tomorrow and it will be presented LIVE on our official Facebook page here at 13:00 CET. Make sure you follow our recent post and stay tuned for more news about Eurovision Memories 29 Song Contest.
Ireland won the right to host the next edition of EM. The winner received the maximum points from 6 countries while Romania, Greece, Denmark, Belgium, Cyprus, Albania, Azerbaijan, Switzerland, Norway, Slovenia, France, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal and Russia didn't award any points to the winner.
![]() The Oldies EDition 2013 will be released soon and submission period is already opened. Since we have participants that enjoy really old music we decided to open a parallel Contest because people decided that this should not be an official EM Edition. Also our participants will get the chance to pick the winner of the real Eurovision Song Contest 2013 by voting as juries and not as participants. The Submission period for the Oldies Edition is opened until 10 of April when the official dates of the contest will be published. To make this contest possible we need at least 15 participants. Apply for Oldies Edition 2013 here. Check out The Eurovision 2013 Page on EM Website here. The EM Participants now have the chance to meet each other face to face on April 5th on Skype. The meeting will start at 20:00 CET and no one is obligated to take part. You can use a simple microphone to communicate with us and also a camera.
Add us on Skype now by using the following ID: eurovisionmemories You can also attend the event here. (if you're part of the EM Group on Facebook) The Webmaster decided to bring new changes in the contest starting from EM 29. One of the main changes is that people won't be allowed to exchange countries anymore. "We need to have an identity in this contest so this new rule will help us do that. During many editions we had many participants who changed their countries on every single time and that can create a lot of confusion between members on the social networks." Also all members are asked to make the final decision concerning their countries. Every member can have a reserve just in case. For example, You represented Austria for 23 editions and decided to change in for France for the other editions. If Austria gets free again you can have that country.
Rules concerning the Facebook Group will be added soon. ![]() After a few jokes last night, most of the EM Participants got cartooned and entered a new 'world'. Everything started with slapping the webmaster and killing the co-administrator of the website: Marcio. Now we have more funny scenes for you to enjoy. Also tonight the Semifinals show will take place (the exact hour will be announced shortly on the EM Group and website). Here are a few funny scenes from the EM Facebook Group: |
December 2024